Monday, 19 November 2012
19 November 2012 - SCOLA Principal speaks at Guildford College
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, gave a presentation to the Board of Governors at Guildford College today. She shared with the Board some of the activities that have been undertaken by SCOLA and also events that are currently being planned. Baroness Sharp, one of the Governors, had this to say: “Thank you very much for coming and talking to us. It was very useful indeed for the group to see the range of activities which you are involved in and to sense the degree to which you have been able to enthuse people by your ‘can-do’ mentality. “
Thursday, 18 October 2012
19 October 2012 - Review of the College
This week saw the start of Phase 2 of the Review of the College. This phase will focus on the Corporate Services functions. All managers involved in Corporate Services functions will be fully involved in the process of research and fact finding and the outcome of their efforts will inform the final proposal in early January. Our approach to this review is that our internal staff will act as main instruments and drivers to inform the changes to come. This will be done through a business process re-engineering exercise and will be in the form of an appreciative enquiry on each of the seven Support Service areas and their sub sections. Twenty-three Corporate Services staff attended the first day of a three day training programme on Wednesday. The feedback received so far has been very positive and there is a great sense of purpose and dedication amongst colleagues to engage fully in the process.
To ensure the process will have a high level of objectivity and remains on track we have engaged with two management consultants, Dr Mary Golden and Howard Shepherdson from Experia Solutions. They both have considerable experience of undertaking such reviews at a high level in a range of organisations. Dr Golden has a distinguished record with the Audit Commission and Howard Shepherdson is Ofsted trained and has significant experience of organisational improvement. Both have reviewed services in local government, the NHS, higher education colleges and schools and have experience of outsourcing and also bringing services back in house. The three day training programme intends to train colleagues in process mapping, business process re-engineering and research methodology. Participants will also be equipped with supporting skills such as skills of appreciative enquiry, peer review and the giving and receiving of feedback which is necessary for conducting our Corporate Services review.
Over the next eight weeks colleagues will embark on this review and I am sure you will engage in the process regardless of the role they have in the College. The outcome of the review will no doubt have a direct impact on the life of the College as a whole and their input is most value.
Saboohi Famili
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
03 October 2012 - Community Learning in Society
SCOLA's Principal, Saboohi Famili, is addressing an audience of educators and government representatives on the role of Community Learning in Society. She will be speaking to those present on how the College encourages adults to enrol at SCOLA; What support services are available specifically for adult students; The advantages of returning to studies later in life: How colleges can help students maximise their potential; Providing apprenticeship programmes for adults so that they can prepare for future employment; Helping students fund their journey through education; What FE colleges like SCOLA can do to encourage adult learning. Delegates will be given the opportunity to ask questions. The opening key note address was conducted by Prof Danny Saunders entitled New Challenges & New Chances: Moving forwards with Community Learning.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
5 September 2012 - Tom Brake made Deputy Leader of the House of Commons
Congratulations to Tom Brake who, as part of David Cameron’s reshuffle, the MP for Carshalton and Wallington has been made a member of the government.
MP Tom Brake was made the deputy leader of the House of Commons yesterday and said: “It is a great honour to have been appointed deputy leader of the House of Commons, in the mother of all Parliaments.
“I will strive to do the job to the best of my ability, whilst ensuring that constituents' concerns - such as the need to maintain vital services at St Helier Hospital - are given the priority they deserve.”
SCOLA wishes him all the best in his new role.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
16 August 2012 - BBC Worldwide announces six finalists for its first Labs initiative
BBC Worldwide today revealed six UK based digital media start-ups to take part in the first Labs programme. More than 75 companies applied for this new scheme. The BBC Worldwide Labs programme seeks to work with the most dynamic emerging digital media companies in the UK. The finalists are MiniMonos, wireWAX, Foodity, Krowd 9, Flooved and KO-SU. These companies impressed members of the Board and Labs mentors during the month long deliberation process that included an in-person pitch session.
The finalists are a mix of strategically aligned companies in areas ranging from education, cloud delivery, games, mobile, kids and video. The start-ups will be offered workspace within BBC Worldwide’s west-London based offices beginning September 10th for a six month period. They will also have the opportunity to work alongside specialists from across BBC Worldwide who can offer sound business advice in areas such as: technology, content, marketing, sales and distribution, advertising, PR, HR, legal among others.
The team behind Labs has also devised a bespoke programme of inspiring talks and networking events including an inauguration event for Labs start-ups to present to the community of mentors a session on Asset Creation and Funding at the Google Campus and a Social Media Event is planned for London Internet Week in November to name a few.
Whilst BBC Worldwide is not seeking to inject money into the selected companies, it is hoped that commercial deals and partnerships will transpire, thus helping to catapult the start-ups to their next level of success.
This looks to be an exciting programme and we look forward to following the development of the programme.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
7 July 2012 - Jubilee Summer Concert
The SCOLA Choir, together with the Singing for Pleasure group and the Tollingbourne Accordion Orchestra, presented their summer concert at St. Paul’s Church, Northey Avenue, Cheam on 7th July at 7.30pm. The event was a great success and enjoyed by those that attended! Well done!
Thursday, 5 July 2012
3 July 2012 – Orchard Hill College Award Ceremony
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, attended the Orchard Hill College, Wallington, award ceremony at the Old Town Hall on Tuesday, 3rd July.
She said that it was a privilege to be present at the ceremony and to be able to share in the students’ achievements. This is one of the highlights on the Principal’s calendar. It is always a pleasure for her to be part of this exuberant celebration of achievements on the part of the hard working students and their dedicated tutors and support workers.
Caroline Allen OBE, Principal of Orchard Hill College, presented the prizes, together with Peter Simpson (Executive Head of Education, Learning & Intervention - London Borough of Sutton), Neil Roberts (Head of Area Relationship Team – Skills Funding Agency) and Orchard Hill College’s Chair of Governors, Mavis Peart.
Congratulations to Caroline Allen and her excellent team for yet another year of successful achievements for their learners.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
25 June 2012 - AoC Summer Reception

Wednesday, 13 June 2012
13 June 2012 - Opportunity Sutton
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending an event at the Holiday Inn, Sutton, entitled “Opportunity Sutton”, which is an inward investment event. The event will showcase Sutton's town centre footfall, the excellent transport links and support for business, as well as highlight the many commercial development opportunities and demonstrate why business should choose Sutton as their home. Some of the topics covered will be : The Sutton Opportunity – People, Place, Prosperity – focus on the Sutton offer, why do key businesses choose to relocate here; Sutton: the top five assets – what is for sale, Sutton’s top five development opportunities ; Hackbridge – a flagship sustainable borough – plans for new eco-friendly homes, the Neighbourhood plan; Sutton’s retail and leisure offer; Housing opportunities; Sutton – open for business – the commercial offer; Sutton – the place to live – skills, housing, accessibility, parks, sustainability; What Sutton can do for you – funding. Vince Cable MP is the keynote speaker for the event. SCOLA’s Principal is taking part in the session entitled ‘Sutton as a place to live’ which includes looking at why Sutton remains a top choice to live, work and invest because of its quality of life.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012
30 May 2012 - SCOLA's Principal provides advice!
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) RSC (Regional Support Centre) Adult & Community Learning Advisers annual meeting in order to give Provider input in support of future and forward planning of JISC RSC services. Over 10 senior advisors from across the UK will be in attendance who collectively support all the ACL providers in the country. The session is being held at Senate House, University of London today, 30th May 2012.
The Principal will be providing some ideas on how JISC can ensure that their service focuses on the needs of the ACL sector in these difficult times. JISC’s remit is to provide advice to providers on effective use of technology for both teaching and learning and in business processes.
SCOLA’s Principal was asked to provide advice as a Principal's perspective on the key challenges facing the sector to support JISC in shaping and focussing their services over the next few years. SCOLA, a unique ACL provider of education in South London, has had a degree of success over the past couple of years in remaining focused and positive in dealing with financial austerity and these challenging times and has been successful in securing various bids to support innovation and creativity in design, delivery and support of the curriculum through the use of technology. Saboohi Famili, the Principal of SCOLA said: “SCOLA benefited greatly from the support provided by JISC RSC London both in showcasing our success and from the advice provided to help us plan our eLearning development.” She is delighted to be able to help the group by attending today’s annual meeting.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
29 May 2012 – SCOLA LLDD Asdan TI Performing Arts Company
What a privilege it was to be invited to attend the ‘Open Class’ of the LLDD (Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities) learners. The class is held in the drama studio at the Sutton Centre and those who had been invited to attend were warmly welcomed on arrival. We were presented with fabulous programmes, introductions were made and we were then given the opportunity to have a look at the work folders of the learners which gave us an overview of what the students have been learning about. The learners, along with their tutors, Michele Humphreys and Scott Sherriff did some warm-up exercises to music. We were then treated to a light hearted drama entitled ‘A Night at the PRIDE’, which included some karaoke and dancing! The drama was followed by a dance entitle ‘Proud’ which will also be performed at the upcoming ‘Showtime’ event being held at the Secombe Theatre on 06/07/12. It as thrilling to have been able to share a small part of their learning journey with them.
Friday, 25 May 2012
24 May 2012 - Adult Learners' Week Presentation Evening
Those of you who attended the Adult Learners’ Week presentation evening last night will I am sure agree that it was a very special event. This year’s event was extra special as we celebrate 40 years of offering a wide range of high quality learning and developmental opportunities in Sutton and South London.
It is always a privilege to be able to celebrate the successes and achievements of our learners and to be inspired through their amazing stories of their learning journey. Throughout the evening we heard from people who have had their lives transformed for the better.
The evening commenced with the SCOLA drummers performing ‘We’ve got Rhythm’ and a link will shortly be available for you to view the performance on you tube. We were honoured to have the newly elected Mayor of Sutton, Cllr Sean Brennan, who kindly agreed to present this year’s awards, as well as a short performance by professional magician, Lewis Swires. Ric Machin was available throughout the evening to draw caricatures of those attending the event.
Throughout the evening excited prize winners and their proud family, carers and supports took advantage to tell our principal how SCOLA had made a difference in their lives. This morning the Principal received the following email from the wife of one of the learners who received an award on Wednesday evening:
I just wanted to write a quick email to congratulate you on last night’s celebration. My husband, was of course delighted to be nominated for an award by lovely Jenny Roden. However, the whole evening was wonderful and inspiring. So many students received awards and it was lovely to be part of the event. Very many congratulations to you and your dedicated staff who work so hard to support their students. (We loved the drumming too – well done!)
A wonderful evening was had by all!
22 May 2012 - Sunday @ SCOLA
Last Sunday (20/05/12) a very successful Sunday at SCOLA took place. A total number of 127 students attended a variety of classes, including Intro to Prehistoric Archaeology, Creative Writing, Bridal Bouquets & Buttonholes, Into to Dreamweaver, So you think you can’t knit? and more.
It was wonderful to see the College come alive on a Sunday with learners enjoying new things! Many students took advantage of the Learning Walks conducted by the Principal to tell her how much they enjoyed their session and how much they look forward to more weekend programme offers.
Well done to all involved.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
21 May 2012 - COSLP Best Learner Awards 2012
The COSLP annual award ceremony celebrating the achievements of learners across South London – from the boroughs of Bromley, Croydon, Kingston, Richmond, Sutton and Merton was held on 17th May 2012. The event was hosted by Lord Graham Tope at the House of Lords (Cholmondeley Room). The event was organised by the Committee of South London Principals (COSLP) which is chaired by Mr Michael Wheeler, Principal of Hillcroft College. The Guest Speaker was Clare Arnold, Director of Relationship Team – London, Skills Funding Agency. A wonderful afternoon was had by all those attending. Well done to SCOLA’s COSLP Best Learner 2012 – Elspeth Clarke.
Friday, 18 May 2012
17 May 2012 - COSLP Best Learner Awards
SCOLA’s COSLP Best Learner, Elspeth Clarke, was accompanied by the Principal and Caroline O’Reilly - Programme Manager, Modern Foreign Languages/Cultural Studies and her sister, Gillian Clarke, to the House of Lords yesterday at Westminster.
Elspeth is a superb example of a learner who contributes to the learning of all those around her. She is constantly challenging herself to achieve and has set herself very high standards in studying A level language courses achieving outstanding grades.
More importantly Elspeth motivates all around her with infectious drive and energy. She is keen to support fellow students and always generous with her time supporting activities in the College. Elspeth in her eagerness to maintain the opportunities for adults is a great advocate for adult learning, making her voice heard and ensuring all are enthused similarly.
She contributes a huge amount to the adult learning community and is able to share her experience with managers impacting on the direction of the college and embodying the College values of PRIDE, which revolve around inspiring others and developing rewarding relationships wherever possible.
Monday, 14 May 2012
14 May 2012 - SCOLA Mock Inspection Commences!
SCOLA's Mock Inspection commenced today. Over 80% of the college life will go under a quality review with the main focus being on teaching, learning and assessment on week 1 and leadership and management on week 2. Watch this space for the results.
Good luck to staff and students!
Thursday, 10 May 2012
10 May 2012 – Thanks for good wishes!
Recently SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, wrote to Kate Anderson (Regional Director – Association of Colleges, London Region) on hearing about her retirement. This is what Kate had to say…
“Thank you for your kind words in your recent letter to me on hearing about my retirement. I am really touched that you took the time to write; real letters are such rare things these days that they have become quite special.
I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and to learn more about the innovative work done by SCOLA. My very best wishes for a successful future for you and the College.
I’ll ask Cyheme, who manages my and subsequently Caroline’s diary, to find an opportunity for you and Caroline to meet to discuss the ways in which AoC, SCOLA (and COSLP?) can continue working together.
As for me, I’ve got so many plans lined up that I’m sure I will soon join the legions of people who claim they can’t now imagine how they ever found time to fit in work – very tedious for you and everyone else who is still working hard to give students a better chance for a better future!
Please keep up your good work and thank you again for your good wishes.”
We certainly do wish Kate well and we hope that she has a long an happy retirement!
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
08 May 2012 – Principal attends Westminster Employment Forum
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, attended the Westminster Employment Forum on The future of adult learning - Informal Adult and Community Learning, literacy and numeracy, and apprenticeships.
The Westminster Employment Forum aims to provide the premier environment for policymakers in Parliament, Whitehall and government agencies to engage to engage in timely discussion on public policy relating to employment with key stakeholders. These include employers in the public sector, large scale businesses and SMEs, and their advisors; trade unions and other employee representative groups; representatives of other interest groups and the voluntary sector; and academics and commentators, along with members of the reporting press.
In planning its programme of events, the Forum regularly consults senior departmental officials, Parliamentarians, business leaders and major citizens' groups. They also welcome input from any individuals or organisations with an interest in issues relating to employment. SCOLA’s Principal gave a presentation which focused on the role of IACL in the Big Society as Sutton is a vanguard for the Big Society on the Government’s agenda.
Friday, 4 May 2012
04 May 2012 - Congratulations to Claire Templeman!
Congratulations go SCOLA's watercolour art student Clare Templeman, who has painted "Africa" for 'Black History Month'.
Clare is also a member of the Sutton Watercolour Artists AA Group, whose work is currently displayed in the Europa Gallery, Sutton Library.
She was awarded the Paula Piers Memorial Trophy for the most original watercolour painting in the exhibition.
Fantastic work - Well done Claire!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
02 May 2012 - Digital Media students design a book!
SCOLA Sutton College Digital Media students have designed a book for Arnie Skelton from Effective Training and Development. Arnie supplied the written content and specially commissioned illustrations.
InDesign Beginner students then worked on the project and each designed a front and back cover for the book. Arnie reviewed and chose one of these designs. The InDesign Intermediate students then picked up the project, by each designing and creating the inside introduction, contents and main pages. Again Arnie chose his preferred design option. Their tutor, Joanne Barnett then coordinated the digital and printed production with further input from the students.
Our thanks goes to all the SCOLA students for working on and submitting their designs for this live project. Congratulations along with SCOLA's and Arnie's gratitude go to Christian Lane for the chosen cover design and to Mary Holford for the chosen inside page designs. The designs were of a very professional standard, as indeed many of these students are currently working in the creative industry.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
26/05/12 - Principal and Deputy Principal attend ‘Improve the Business, Cut the Costs’ Workshops
SCOLA’s Principal and Deputy Principal have attended a two day workshop which was designed to provide an insight into the tools and techniques Colleges can use to reduce costs and improve processes. The course is a mixture of theory, discussion and practical exercises, and aims to equip Colleges with the knowledge and understanding to commence improvement activities. The course explained the importance of using a team based approach (getting entire departments on board to achieve savings) and also explained (using recent case studies) how rapid cost reduction can be achieved..
The objectives of the course was for delegates to understand how rapid business improvement can be implemented at a strategic level, how to link these activities to the top level strategy, how to get entire departments on board to achieve savings and what an improvement programme looks like and the associated key roles and responsibilities.
Should be interesting!
Saturday, 21 April 2012
21 April 2012 - An Historic Southwark Walk
Brothels, Bishops and the Bard - an Historic Southwark walk - Listened to notorious Bankside Stories, discovered 'The Clink', the oldest prison in London, saw Southwark Cathedral with its Shakespearean connections, as well as the reconstruction of Francis Drake's Golden Hinde, and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Ended up at the Tate Modern Art Gallery housed in the vast space of the former Bankside Power Station, with St. Paul's Cathedral on the opposite side of the river. What a great way to spend a Saturday morning! Thank you to Brian Cookson (SCOLA tutor) for taking us on this historic walk!
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
17 April 2012 – AoC Principal’s Policy Forum

SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, attended the Association of Colleges (AoC) Principal’s Forum at Prospero House, London on 17/04/12. The forum was led by AoC President, Fiona McMillan and Chief Executive, Martin Doel, and briefed members on the latest issues. Delegates were also given a funding and Ofsted update. There was an opportunity to network over lunch and after lunch table discussions took place, followed by a Q&A session before the forum closed.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
28 March 2012 - An introduction to Pétanque

After class last Friday the French Level 6 Conversation class had a most enjoyable introduction to Pétanque in Manor Park, marked more by enthusiasm than expertise. Cynthia (one of the students) said: "Danièle, Mille fois merci pour la chanson de Brassens (une partie de pétanque) - j'y tiens beaucoup." It gave the class a real insight into the importance of the whole measuring business and how it could give rise to heated debate (as in the film clip seen in class earlier). An experience of French culture and also a fun and friendly way to mark the final class.
Heather, another student, had this to say - "Merci Danièle pour l'après-midi où nous avons appris à jouer à la pétanque dans le parc au soleil.
Répéter les règles du jeu et bavarder ensemble sont de très bons moyens d’apprendre le français surtout dans une atmosphère reposante en plein air.
Depuis, je m'exerce à lancer les boules pour ensuite enseigner à mes petits-enfants comment y jouer. Cela m'a fait très plaisir, et j’espère renouveler cette expérience très bientôt.
A great time was had by all!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
27 March 2012 – Principal attends Social Return on Investment Development Day
At a time when available resources for revision are highly constrained, providers have increased freedom to define their activities. This makes it more important than ever to demonstrate the full impact of what we do as an organisation, and justify decisions to invest in one area of provision as opposed to another.
LSIS is working with the new economics foundation (nef) to help providers in the sector to measure outcomes which are traditionally difficult to measure – the value as experienced in communities and by learners. By the end of the year, with the involvement of several partners in the sector, LSIS will have developed an adapted Social Return on Investment measurement tool for the FE and Skills sector. Organisations who participate in this workshop will be invited to be part of the pilot cohort that will benefit from calculating the social value of the role they play. SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending this event in Coventry today.
LSIS is working with the new economics foundation (nef) to help providers in the sector to measure outcomes which are traditionally difficult to measure – the value as experienced in communities and by learners. By the end of the year, with the involvement of several partners in the sector, LSIS will have developed an adapted Social Return on Investment measurement tool for the FE and Skills sector. Organisations who participate in this workshop will be invited to be part of the pilot cohort that will benefit from calculating the social value of the role they play. SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending this event in Coventry today.
Monday, 26 March 2012
25 March 2012 – Praise for SCOLA course held at Seears Park!
Recently SCOLA received glowing feedback from a student who had attended a ‘Gardening for Beginners’ course held at Seears Park. The course facilitator was praised for the way in which he presented the course and the student had this to say – “May I congratulate the facilitator Kevin on an excellent course - it was bursting with information and transformed my confidence in dealing with my garden. His style was exactly what you would expect from a tutor - brimming with enthusiasm for his subject and able to steer a group of different participants through the day. I will be recommending this course to all my contacts at work. Well done on having this option - these courses should be compulsory for everyone with a garden!”
So glad that this course has had such a positive effect!
So glad that this course has had such a positive effect!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
22 March 2012 – Principal attends HOLEX Network Event
SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending the spring term HOLEX Network Event which will be held, as usual, at Woburn House, Tavistock Square, today Thursday 22nd March 2012. HOLEX is the national network of local adult learning providers.
The day has been designed to allow for extensive discussion and member input. Funding issues, inspection related issues and short and focused inputs on new developments will be part of the programme. The usual round-up of key messages from national meetings attended by HOLEX representatives, including updates from the Information Authority, on workforce development issues and sustainable development will also be on the agenda.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
16 March 2012 - Raising funds for charity!

The SCOLA Line Dancers raised over £900 for the Diamond Riding School at a charity line dance held at SCOLA. More than 100 people enjoyed the evening and supported this worthy cause.
The Diamond Riding Centre is a charity providing riding lessons for disabled children and adults, who not only gain confidence physically, but also emotionally in their close contact with the horses.
The Riding School receives no government or local authority funding, and depends upon fund-raising events, donations, and a team of volunteers to keep the school going.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
14 March 2012 - Mobile Learning Environment (MoLE)

SCOLA's Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending a two day MoLE Workshop in Windsor. The MoLE project aims to leverage the global cellular network infrastructure and mobile technologies to build a mobile learning (m-Learning) capability. The project has been put together to demonstrate that participants can conduct training through the use of mobile devices. Twenty-two countries around the globe are being represented at this event.
No doubt, an interesting and stimulating time will be had by all!
Sunday, 11 March 2012
10 March 2012 - Graduation at Canterbury Christchurch University

I was privileged on Saturday 10 March 2012 to be invited to attend the Graduation Ceremony at Canterbury Christchurch University (CCCU) to see SCOLA students awarded their Diplomas and Professional Graduate Certificates. Daniele de Mori Calderon (SCOLA Tutor) also attended the event.
It was a wonderful occasion with everyone wearing their academic gowns and hats and being supported by their children and other halves.
It made me feel so proud of what our College provides and how the services offered impact on lives. It was particularly special to see three SCOLA tutors rewarded – Louise Blundell , Dipa Ganguli and Julie Norton who all passed their courses and should feel very proud of themselves. Both Daniele and I witnessed first-hand the pride their families felt and we were humbled by the event.
Equally rewarding was the warmth and compliments from the staff at CCCU for the SCOLA staff. I also want to acknowledge the tireless commitment and skills of their tutors, Daniele de Mori Calderon and Nilufar Rahim who supported the group and were fully part of their journey to success.
Thank you to all who are involved in supporting this year’s groups – please invite me next year too!!!!
Jenny Sims
Deputy Principal
Saturday, 10 March 2012
10 March 2012 - Celebrating Life!
On Sunday 11th March 2012 Japan Cultural Activities, Sutton, is hosting a memorial concert for Utoya(Norway) and Fukushima(Japan) entitled 'Celebrating Life' This concert brings together old and young, professional and non-professional musicians who wish to celebrate their own precious and unique lives through music.
The event is being held at the Sutton Friends Meeting House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5DA from 13:45 - 16:30 and admission is by donation only. The doors open at 13:30.
If you can, please go along and support this worthy cause as this concert is about the expression of happiness through music, and not just the music skill.
The event is being held at the Sutton Friends Meeting House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5DA from 13:45 - 16:30 and admission is by donation only. The doors open at 13:30.
If you can, please go along and support this worthy cause as this concert is about the expression of happiness through music, and not just the music skill.
Friday, 9 March 2012
09 March 2012 - Stress Relief!
Staff have been invited to have a relaxing massage on Monday 12th March between 11.30am and 1.30pm as another way of treating staff and celebrating International Women's Day. There are six slots available and will be on a first come, first served basis.
08 March 2012 - International Women's Day - A Taste of Literature
Yesterday, as part of SCOLA's International Women's Day celebrations, staff were given a taste of literature on the plasma screen in the Staff area at the Sutton Centre please visit to enjoy the two poems that were read by one of SCOLA’s tutors. One is an inspirational poem by Jan Koene about an inspiring colleague, Fiona McDonnell, and her journey when running the London Marathon and the other by Maya Angelou, an American author and poet. Hope you enjoy them!
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
06 March 2012 – Former SCOLA student Front Cover Artist
Former SCOLA student, Sally Pestridge from Banstead, Surrey, is the March 2012 front cover artist in ‘Paint – the magazine of the SAA (Society for All Artists)’.
The painting that appears on the front cover of this publication was one of her earlier paintings, done while she was studying at SCOLA (then known as the Sutton College of Liberal Arts). Sally describes herself as an amateur painter as she paints for enjoyment, but she does sell quite a few paintings at local art club exhibitions and through word of mouth. Sally started painting when she was about nine years old when her parents bought her a ‘Painting by Numbers’ set. She took A level at school and later when her children were babies, took classes at local adult education, then evening classes at SCOLA. Sally had the following to say “When my children were babies I took classes at local adult education – life drawing, painting and drawing, then evening classes at SCOLA. There I started botanical painting and then tried a watercolour course with a fantastic tutor called Angela Williams, and my life changed. I was totally hooked!” Angela is currently a Senior Lecturer (Creative Studies, Art & Design) at SCOLA and still inspiring students!
Congratulations, once again, to Sally for being featured on the front cover of Paint magazine!
The painting that appears on the front cover of this publication was one of her earlier paintings, done while she was studying at SCOLA (then known as the Sutton College of Liberal Arts). Sally describes herself as an amateur painter as she paints for enjoyment, but she does sell quite a few paintings at local art club exhibitions and through word of mouth. Sally started painting when she was about nine years old when her parents bought her a ‘Painting by Numbers’ set. She took A level at school and later when her children were babies, took classes at local adult education, then evening classes at SCOLA. Sally had the following to say “When my children were babies I took classes at local adult education – life drawing, painting and drawing, then evening classes at SCOLA. There I started botanical painting and then tried a watercolour course with a fantastic tutor called Angela Williams, and my life changed. I was totally hooked!” Angela is currently a Senior Lecturer (Creative Studies, Art & Design) at SCOLA and still inspiring students!
Congratulations, once again, to Sally for being featured on the front cover of Paint magazine!
Monday, 5 March 2012
05 March 2012 - SCOLA at Professional Beauty 2012 show in London!
Jacqui McElwee (Senior Lecturer – Performance, Health, Fitness & Hospitality) left this morning with a group of tutors to attend the Professional Beauty 2012 show at the Plaza in London, which is the UK’s largest show for health & beauty professionals. This year’s show is set to break all records in terms of size, brands and exciting show features! The show will feature all sections of the beauty industry including skincare & aromatherapy, spa, equipment, nails, tanning, professional supplies and even a dedicated aesthetic medicine section.
Professional Beauty 2012 will see more new products and treatment launches than any other show and most exhibitors are coming with a huge range of special offers and show discounts to make budgets go further. There are also conference and seminar programmes running alongside the show!
An exciting time will be had by all those attending!
Professional Beauty 2012 will see more new products and treatment launches than any other show and most exhibitors are coming with a huge range of special offers and show discounts to make budgets go further. There are also conference and seminar programmes running alongside the show!
An exciting time will be had by all those attending!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
29 February 2012 – AoC Governance Summit 2012
Today the Association of Colleges (AoC) held their 2012 Governance Summit entitled “Strategic Governance for a dynamic FE sector” at Central Hall, Westminster, London.
John Bingham, Chair, AoC, welcomed those present, including an introduction to the live interactive technology being used throughout the event. Susan Pember OBE, Director, Further Education and Skills Investment and Performance, Department for Business Innovation and Skills addressed the delegates on the Government’s position regarding the FE sector. Other topics on the agenda include ‘Leading change in colleges: What the new freedoms might mean’ and ‘The new accountabilities of governing bodies’. There will be opportunity for delegates to have roundtable discussions and Lorna Fitzjohn, Divisional Manager, Learning and Skills Development and Strategy Directorate HMI, Ofsted, will give a view from Ofsted. John Hayes MP, Minister of State for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning will address the delegates later in the day and the summit will conclude with a summary and overview of the day’s events and ‘next steps’.
An interesting day for the delegates.
John Bingham, Chair, AoC, welcomed those present, including an introduction to the live interactive technology being used throughout the event. Susan Pember OBE, Director, Further Education and Skills Investment and Performance, Department for Business Innovation and Skills addressed the delegates on the Government’s position regarding the FE sector. Other topics on the agenda include ‘Leading change in colleges: What the new freedoms might mean’ and ‘The new accountabilities of governing bodies’. There will be opportunity for delegates to have roundtable discussions and Lorna Fitzjohn, Divisional Manager, Learning and Skills Development and Strategy Directorate HMI, Ofsted, will give a view from Ofsted. John Hayes MP, Minister of State for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning will address the delegates later in the day and the summit will conclude with a summary and overview of the day’s events and ‘next steps’.
An interesting day for the delegates.
29 February 2012 - SCOLA’s 40th Anniversary Exhibition of Arts & Crafts

SCOLA’s 40th Anniversary Exhibition of Arts and Crafts commenced on 20th February and ends on 2nd March. The exhibition is being held in the Europa Gallery at the Sutton Central Library, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA.
If you have the opportunity to visit and see the wonderful variety of products in different disciplines that has been produced by SCOLA students you will no doubt be delighted by what you see. The work has been created by some very experienced students, as well as relatively new students. What is evident is how each person set themselves a personal challenge and how they took on enormous pride in achieving their goal. When talking to students their pride in their work shines through! A big thank you to Geoff Kenward (Programme Manager, Creative Studies – Arts & Crafts), Angela Williams (Senior Lecturer, Creative Studies – Arts & Crafts), who together with their amazing tutors and some volunteers worked tirelessly to put the exhibition together. Thank you also to Natalie Gray (Marketing & Creative Studies Assistant) for putting together the catalogue and to our partners in the Sutton Library who support the College in so many different ways. The Leader of the Sutton Council, Cllr Sean Brennan, opened the exhibition and it was great to see so many present at the opening!
Well done to all involved who made this exhibition possible and congratulations to the students for sharing your creativity with us!
Saturday, 28 January 2012
27 January 2012 - Message from SCOLA's new Director of Curriculum
I am extremely delighted to be able to say how welcomed and impressed I have been by the warmth, friendless and support that I have received from SCOLA staff during my first week at SCOLA.
Personally, I have found colleagues to be extremely helpful, positive and engaging, which has been a tremendous pleasure for me to know that I am joining such a supportive, fun and dynamic team.
I have met a good number of colleagues this week and will continue to meet other colleagues during the coming weeks, especially those who are working in the outreach centres. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank you for the kindness that you have shown me.
I have worked in the education and skills sector in senior roles for over 15 years, in various colleges such as Havering, Westminster Adult Education Service, Newham College and more recently, South Thames College. I passionately believe in adult education and how we at SCOLA can powerfully transform the lives of those whom we serve.
I hope that this is a start of a long and successful journey at SCOLA.
Eileen O'Gara
Director of Curriculum and Quality
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
11 January 2012 - Arnie Skelton (Effective Training & Development) on SCOLA!
Comments from Arnie Skelton - Effective Training & Development - "I’ve worked with over 100 FE colleges in my role as external trainer, and without doubt, SCOLA is in my list of top 5 favourites. Why? Here’s a few reasons, all in evidence last week, as I spent two days with the College and its staff:
- The standard of friendliness and courtesy shown by everyone, always, wherever I am, and whatever I’m doing
- People remember my name! This week, as I arrived, the receptionist said ‘”Hello, Arnie, nice to see you again..” – fabulous…
- People seem genuinely pleased to see me (even if they are not!), and take an interest in me, my work, my interests and my family. Geoff Kenward and I could talk for hours about our shared love of Tommy Cooper…..
- Everyone is always so helpful. I am constantly being asked “is there anything I can do for you?”, and when there is – it is instantly delivered. Just prior to one of my courses, I asked if Jenny Sims could get me a rope or a length of string…she got me both (so I could have a choice). And I never want for the offer of a cup of tea, or coffee. Nothing – nothing – is ever too much trouble
- People do what they say they will do. They turn up. On time. With the right materials. Trust me, that is, by most college standards, amazing…
- People willingly volunteer. This week I asked a senior manager if he’d speak to a potential student – “no problem” – even though it was clear Kevan was busy….
- People make sense of and apply, the learning I am hoping to provide. People like to tell me of the things that have stuck, and also (more importantly) the things they have put into practice. This week, for example, several people have not only said they enjoyed the sessions, but have also reminded me of what I have said, and how they intend to use it. A couple of people have already discussed their TFGs with me….it is fabulous for a trainer to see the impact the learning is having…
- It’s not just about me, though, and that’s the killer point. Whenever I visit a college, I informally carry out a mystery shop – how is it as a customer experience? And SCOLA always passes my inspection with flying colours. Students are treated courteously, and with respect; there is usually something going on to celebrate some student or staff achievement…the atmosphere, the mood, the spirit, is always good
- SCOLA is inventive: there’s always something fresh or new to see….this week it was the PRIDE documents, including the cartoons of the senior management team….everyone seems to be looking for, and finding, something new, fresh and exciting to add value to this College and the learner experience
- Above all, perhaps, and unlike (unfortunately) most of the colleges I go to, the staff here seem to want to be here, and want to work hard and well for the student success. I have never heard a moan or groan, a whinge or gripe, about students, or the college, or the community – or whatever. The mood is unfailingly upbeat, positive and pleasant: thanks to each and every one of you, for making this visitor feel very welcome, and for making every visit a delight…."
It is wonderful to hear comments like this about SCOLA from external providers!
- The standard of friendliness and courtesy shown by everyone, always, wherever I am, and whatever I’m doing
- People remember my name! This week, as I arrived, the receptionist said ‘”Hello, Arnie, nice to see you again..” – fabulous…
- People seem genuinely pleased to see me (even if they are not!), and take an interest in me, my work, my interests and my family. Geoff Kenward and I could talk for hours about our shared love of Tommy Cooper…..
- Everyone is always so helpful. I am constantly being asked “is there anything I can do for you?”, and when there is – it is instantly delivered. Just prior to one of my courses, I asked if Jenny Sims could get me a rope or a length of string…she got me both (so I could have a choice). And I never want for the offer of a cup of tea, or coffee. Nothing – nothing – is ever too much trouble
- People do what they say they will do. They turn up. On time. With the right materials. Trust me, that is, by most college standards, amazing…
- People willingly volunteer. This week I asked a senior manager if he’d speak to a potential student – “no problem” – even though it was clear Kevan was busy….
- People make sense of and apply, the learning I am hoping to provide. People like to tell me of the things that have stuck, and also (more importantly) the things they have put into practice. This week, for example, several people have not only said they enjoyed the sessions, but have also reminded me of what I have said, and how they intend to use it. A couple of people have already discussed their TFGs with me….it is fabulous for a trainer to see the impact the learning is having…
- It’s not just about me, though, and that’s the killer point. Whenever I visit a college, I informally carry out a mystery shop – how is it as a customer experience? And SCOLA always passes my inspection with flying colours. Students are treated courteously, and with respect; there is usually something going on to celebrate some student or staff achievement…the atmosphere, the mood, the spirit, is always good
- SCOLA is inventive: there’s always something fresh or new to see….this week it was the PRIDE documents, including the cartoons of the senior management team….everyone seems to be looking for, and finding, something new, fresh and exciting to add value to this College and the learner experience
- Above all, perhaps, and unlike (unfortunately) most of the colleges I go to, the staff here seem to want to be here, and want to work hard and well for the student success. I have never heard a moan or groan, a whinge or gripe, about students, or the college, or the community – or whatever. The mood is unfailingly upbeat, positive and pleasant: thanks to each and every one of you, for making this visitor feel very welcome, and for making every visit a delight…."
It is wonderful to hear comments like this about SCOLA from external providers!
11 January 2012 – Principal attended SFA London Skills Investment Statement Briefing

New challenges, new chances: The Skills Investment Statement 2011-2014: Investing in a World Class Skills System was published on 1 December 2011. The Statement sets out the key policy objectives and operational drivers for the Further Education and Skills sector for 2011-2014. SCOLA’s Principal attended a briefing on the Statement which was delivered by the Directors of Relationship Teams for London, Jill Lowery and Clare Arnold today.
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