I was privileged on Saturday 10 March 2012 to be invited to attend the Graduation Ceremony at Canterbury Christchurch University (CCCU) to see SCOLA students awarded their Diplomas and Professional Graduate Certificates. Daniele de Mori Calderon (SCOLA Tutor) also attended the event.
It was a wonderful occasion with everyone wearing their academic gowns and hats and being supported by their children and other halves.
It made me feel so proud of what our College provides and how the services offered impact on lives. It was particularly special to see three SCOLA tutors rewarded – Louise Blundell , Dipa Ganguli and Julie Norton who all passed their courses and should feel very proud of themselves. Both Daniele and I witnessed first-hand the pride their families felt and we were humbled by the event.
Equally rewarding was the warmth and compliments from the staff at CCCU for the SCOLA staff. I also want to acknowledge the tireless commitment and skills of their tutors, Daniele de Mori Calderon and Nilufar Rahim who supported the group and were fully part of their journey to success.
Thank you to all who are involved in supporting this year’s groups – please invite me next year too!!!!
Jenny Sims
Deputy Principal
What a fabulous happiness-evoking picture! I am so pleased for these learners who all worked hard to gain their qualifications. Thanks for sharing this. Nilufar.