Monday, 19 July 2010

13 July 2010- Staff Conference 2010: Your Views, Your Scola , Our Future Day 1

Today was an exciting day for me. I was facilitating the 2010 Staff Conference, a full day of fun- packed activities that hopefully will lead to the changes we want to make at SCOLA. Anxious throughout the planning stages due to the fact that the activities were so different to what the staff are used to, I started very early to ensure that all was in working order and to my standards. It was reassuring to be greeted by our hardworking caretakers George Skillen, Tony Kelly and Bob Richards, who had transformed the arena into a nice cabaret style conference set up.

The day progressed very well and staff participated in activities with enthusiasm and energy. Excellent feedback was provided that was an encouragement to me that I had pitched the session right and that the hard work had paid off.

The first activity of the day of the day started at 9am entitled "Who am I" and was a good ice-breaker which got staff moving about and talking to one another. This activity was followed by finding solutions to problems and then an adventure in Sherwood Forest! At 12.30 a fantastic buffet lunch was served and staff had the opportunity of networking. After lunch feedback was given on the activities that had taken place in the morning. The fourth and last activity to take place was one involving lego called Monumental Direction and staff had the opportunity to work together in teams. It was great to see how staff interacted with one another!
The success of the conference was due to the hard work of those who participated. My special thanks go to Arnie Skelton,, Howard Shepherdson from TVU and Jan Keone who helped me with suggesting various activities for the conference.
Saboohi Famili - Principal

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