During the nineties I was working for CETS (now CALAT) and it was drawing on a lot of European Social Funding which meant there was a lot of contact between ourselves and European partners so I think this would imply the same.
Quite a lot of visits took place.
All the possibilities for SCOLA seem to be under the programme called GRUNDTVIG which as Sue points out is in Section 4. I think there are quite a lot of openings there which could be tapped into such as:
" motivating individual learners to commit to learning, including through guidance services, out-reach strategies, awareness raising campaigns, validation of non-formal and informal learning, appropriate teaching and learning approaches and partnerships with enterprises; �� using ICT, e-learning and the media to widen access to adult learning; �� developing alternative learning approaches to integrate or reintegrate marginalised and disadvantaged citizens into society and the labour market."
But as I was following through the links in some of the small print to a document which is called LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME, GENERAL CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2011-2013 http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/adult/com558_en.pdf,
I noticed that
the emphasis on establishing partnerships is stressed again and again, and this includes working with other stakeholders and on a local as well as national and international level.
Really, it seems there is a great deal of scope.
Sarah Freeman - Tutor (SCOLA)
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