Friday, 26 November 2010

23 November 2010 - Winning bid!

We have just been informed that our application to LSIS – Flexiblity and Innovation Funding – has been successful! The project title of the bid is “Effective Support for the Journey from Worklessness to Sustained Employment in Sutton”. The project will start in January 2011 and continue until September 2011.
Delivery of high quality employment targeted support, embedding multiagency advice and training where participants will achieve personal goals. The Skills Profiles for workless participants will demonstrate, efficiently and effectively, to employers and training providers, the capabilities and learning needs of disadvantaged, unwaged clients using the collaborative network of the consortium.
The project has four main aims:

1. Promote effective cohesion between service providers in the consortium who are not currently formally linked, leading to a holistic, efficient service for unwaged clients ready to access work.
2. Provide the most appropriate service combination for clients with an Access to Work course including specialist advice, guidance and progression opportunities from the providers in the consortium at each stage - before, during and after the course. This would ensure each client is at the centre of a personalised learning opportunity with support from a wide range of specialist agencies working and communicating together
3. Develop a profile tool so clients will have their Functional Skills and key work skills assessed once by a provider as a start of a personal profile which all key providers in the Borough would use to avoid duplication of services and target better use of resources towards front line delivery.
4. Promote work preparation courses for disadvantaged clients seeking work opportunities based on realistic preparation including self-presentation and communication skills. The courses will contain a range of topics designed to promote long term well being and encourage clients to engage on their journey towards active citizenship

We look forward to working together with the consortium - EcoActif; Job Centre Plus; Sutton Mental Health Foundation; Sutton Citizen’s Advice Bureaux; Skills Centre Limited; Sutton & District Training and Sutton Centre for Independent Living & Learning (SCILL) - to ensure that the aims and objectives are met.

Well done!

Saboohi Famili – Principal

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