This evening I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Sutton Federation of Tenant & Resident Associations. The Chair, Jean Corsby, was retiring and I felt it appropriate to be present to wish her farewell and good luck for a very long and happy retirement. A very emotional farewell from Jean was followed by many tributes from the members.
The AGM was well attended. Around 100 residents were present and a few were keen to talk to me about their experience of studying at SCOLA and how they valued what we offer. Rosemary Langley, an 80 year old lady, came to me after the event with and complimented me on one of our IT tutors, Derek Marshall, who had taught her IT from scratch. She is keen to come back to the college despite having had some health issues last year and was impressed to hear that we have now developed a much more improved TryIT centre. Yet another example of what SCOLA is all about.
Saboohi Famili - Principal
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