Wednesday, 30 May 2012

30 May 2012 - SCOLA's Principal provides advice!

SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, is attending the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) RSC (Regional Support Centre) Adult & Community Learning Advisers annual meeting in order to give Provider input in support of future and forward planning of JISC RSC services. Over 10 senior advisors from across the UK will be in attendance who collectively support all the ACL providers in the country. The session is being held at Senate House, University of London today, 30th May 2012. The Principal will be providing some ideas on how JISC can ensure that their service focuses on the needs of the ACL sector in these difficult times. JISC’s remit is to provide advice to providers on effective use of technology for both teaching and learning and in business processes. SCOLA’s Principal was asked to provide advice as a Principal's perspective on the key challenges facing the sector to support JISC in shaping and focussing their services over the next few years. SCOLA, a unique ACL provider of education in South London, has had a degree of success over the past couple of years in remaining focused and positive in dealing with financial austerity and these challenging times and has been successful in securing various bids to support innovation and creativity in design, delivery and support of the curriculum through the use of technology. Saboohi Famili, the Principal of SCOLA said: “SCOLA benefited greatly from the support provided by JISC RSC London both in showcasing our success and from the advice provided to help us plan our eLearning development.” She is delighted to be able to help the group by attending today’s annual meeting.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

29 May 2012 – SCOLA LLDD Asdan TI Performing Arts Company

What a privilege it was to be invited to attend the ‘Open Class’ of the LLDD (Learners with Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities) learners. The class is held in the drama studio at the Sutton Centre and those who had been invited to attend were warmly welcomed on arrival. We were presented with fabulous programmes, introductions were made and we were then given the opportunity to have a look at the work folders of the learners which gave us an overview of what the students have been learning about. The learners, along with their tutors, Michele Humphreys and Scott Sherriff did some warm-up exercises to music. We were then treated to a light hearted drama entitled ‘A Night at the PRIDE’, which included some karaoke and dancing! The drama was followed by a dance entitle ‘Proud’ which will also be performed at the upcoming ‘Showtime’ event being held at the Secombe Theatre on 06/07/12. It as thrilling to have been able to share a small part of their learning journey with them.

Friday, 25 May 2012

24 May 2012 - Adult Learners' Week Presentation Evening

Those of you who attended the Adult Learners’ Week presentation evening last night will I am sure agree that it was a very special event. This year’s event was extra special as we celebrate 40 years of offering a wide range of high quality learning and developmental opportunities in Sutton and South London.   It is always a privilege to be able to celebrate the successes and achievements of our learners and to be inspired through their amazing stories of their learning journey.  Throughout the evening we heard from people who have had their lives transformed for the better.   The evening commenced with the SCOLA drummers performing ‘We’ve got Rhythm’ and a link will shortly be available for you to view the performance on you tube.  We were honoured to have the newly elected Mayor of Sutton, Cllr Sean Brennan, who kindly agreed to present this year’s awards, as well as a short performance by professional magician, Lewis Swires.  Ric Machin was available throughout the evening to draw caricatures of those attending the event.   Throughout the evening excited prize winners and their proud family, carers and supports took advantage to tell our principal how SCOLA had made a difference in their lives. This morning the Principal received the following email from the wife of one of the learners who received an award on Wednesday evening:   I just wanted to write a quick email to congratulate you on last night’s celebration.  My husband, was of course delighted to be nominated for an award by lovely Jenny Roden.  However, the whole evening was wonderful and inspiring.  So many students received awards and it was lovely to be part of the event.  Very many congratulations to you and your dedicated staff who work so hard to support their students.  (We loved the drumming too – well done!)   A wonderful evening was had by all!

22 May 2012 - Sunday @ SCOLA

Last Sunday (20/05/12) a very successful Sunday at SCOLA took place. A total number of 127 students attended a variety of classes, including Intro to Prehistoric Archaeology, Creative Writing, Bridal Bouquets & Buttonholes, Into to Dreamweaver, So you think you can’t knit? and more. It was wonderful to see the College come alive on a Sunday with learners enjoying new things! Many students took advantage of the Learning Walks conducted by the Principal to tell her how much they enjoyed their session and how much they look forward to more weekend programme offers.
Well done to all involved.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

21 May 2012 - COSLP Best Learner Awards 2012

The COSLP annual award ceremony celebrating the achievements of learners across South London – from the boroughs of Bromley, Croydon, Kingston, Richmond, Sutton and Merton was held on 17th May 2012. The event was hosted by Lord Graham Tope at the House of Lords (Cholmondeley Room). The event was organised by the Committee of South London Principals (COSLP) which is chaired by Mr Michael Wheeler, Principal of Hillcroft College. The Guest Speaker was Clare Arnold, Director of Relationship Team – London, Skills Funding Agency. A wonderful afternoon was had by all those attending. Well done to SCOLA’s COSLP Best Learner 2012 – Elspeth Clarke.

Friday, 18 May 2012

17 May 2012 - COSLP Best Learner Awards

SCOLA’s COSLP Best Learner, Elspeth Clarke, was accompanied by the Principal and Caroline O’Reilly - Programme Manager, Modern Foreign Languages/Cultural Studies and her sister, Gillian Clarke, to the House of Lords yesterday at Westminster. Elspeth is a superb example of a learner who contributes to the learning of all those around her. She is constantly challenging herself to achieve and has set herself very high standards in studying A level language courses achieving outstanding grades. More importantly Elspeth motivates all around her with infectious drive and energy. She is keen to support fellow students and always generous with her time supporting activities in the College. Elspeth in her eagerness to maintain the opportunities for adults is a great advocate for adult learning, making her voice heard and ensuring all are enthused similarly. She contributes a huge amount to the adult learning community and is able to share her experience with managers impacting on the direction of the college and embodying the College values of PRIDE, which revolve around inspiring others and developing rewarding relationships wherever possible.

Monday, 14 May 2012

14 May 2012 - SCOLA Mock Inspection Commences!

SCOLA's Mock Inspection commenced today. Over 80% of the college life will go under a quality review with the main focus being on teaching, learning and assessment on week 1 and leadership and management on week 2. Watch this space for the results. Good luck to staff and students!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

10 May 2012 – Thanks for good wishes!

Recently SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, wrote to Kate Anderson (Regional Director – Association of Colleges, London Region) on hearing about her retirement. This is what Kate had to say… “Thank you for your kind words in your recent letter to me on hearing about my retirement. I am really touched that you took the time to write; real letters are such rare things these days that they have become quite special. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and to learn more about the innovative work done by SCOLA. My very best wishes for a successful future for you and the College. I’ll ask Cyheme, who manages my and subsequently Caroline’s diary, to find an opportunity for you and Caroline to meet to discuss the ways in which AoC, SCOLA (and COSLP?) can continue working together. As for me, I’ve got so many plans lined up that I’m sure I will soon join the legions of people who claim they can’t now imagine how they ever found time to fit in work – very tedious for you and everyone else who is still working hard to give students a better chance for a better future! Please keep up your good work and thank you again for your good wishes.” We certainly do wish Kate well and we hope that she has a long an happy retirement!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

08 May 2012 – Principal attends Westminster Employment Forum

SCOLA’s Principal, Saboohi Famili, attended the Westminster Employment Forum on The future of adult learning - Informal Adult and Community Learning, literacy and numeracy, and apprenticeships. The Westminster Employment Forum aims to provide the premier environment for policymakers in Parliament, Whitehall and government agencies to engage to engage in timely discussion on public policy relating to employment with key stakeholders. These include employers in the public sector, large scale businesses and SMEs, and their advisors; trade unions and other employee representative groups; representatives of other interest groups and the voluntary sector; and academics and commentators, along with members of the reporting press. In planning its programme of events, the Forum regularly consults senior departmental officials, Parliamentarians, business leaders and major citizens' groups. They also welcome input from any individuals or organisations with an interest in issues relating to employment. SCOLA’s Principal gave a presentation which focused on the role of IACL in the Big Society as Sutton is a vanguard for the Big Society on the Government’s agenda.

Friday, 4 May 2012

04 May 2012 - Congratulations to Claire Templeman!

Congratulations go SCOLA's watercolour art student Clare Templeman, who has painted "Africa" for 'Black History Month'. Clare is also a member of the Sutton Watercolour Artists AA Group, whose work is currently displayed in the Europa Gallery, Sutton Library. She was awarded the Paula Piers Memorial Trophy for the most original watercolour painting in the exhibition. Fantastic work - Well done Claire!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

02 May 2012 - Digital Media students design a book!

SCOLA Sutton College Digital Media students have designed a book for Arnie Skelton from Effective Training and Development. Arnie supplied the written content and specially commissioned illustrations. InDesign Beginner students then worked on the project and each designed a front and back cover for the book. Arnie reviewed and chose one of these designs. The InDesign Intermediate students then picked up the project, by each designing and creating the inside introduction, contents and main pages. Again Arnie chose his preferred design option. Their tutor, Joanne Barnett then coordinated the digital and printed production with further input from the students. Our thanks goes to all the SCOLA students for working on and submitting their designs for this live project. Congratulations along with SCOLA's and Arnie's gratitude go to Christian Lane for the chosen cover design and to Mary Holford for the chosen inside page designs. The designs were of a very professional standard, as indeed many of these students are currently working in the creative industry.