Wednesday, 23 June 2010

23 June 2010-Visit to the Open Dance Class and CUGA

To day I visited one of our dance and exercise classes for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities. It was inspiring, humbling and more than anything fun! Michele Humphreys - Programme Manage - Skills for Life - LLDD/Independent Living, and her assistant, Stephanie Mavrommatis, led the students through various exercise and dance routines that quite frankly would have been challenging for even able-bodied people and students followed their cues to the dot and put on a wonderful performance. Kate Hillman, one of the students, a lively, friendly and outspoken member of the class welcomed me to their session and brighted up the session by her timely and extremely funny interjections throughout the class.

There were around 25 spectators enjoying the open dance session and they all joined me in thanking the students and the tutors for a memorable performance. It was wonderful!

Later in the evening I joint the CUGA (Committeess & User Groups for Adults) group for adults with learning difficulties. This group represents the views of all students with learning difficulties within the College. They presented a well constructed Powerpoint presentation highlighting their role in the college and talked with pride about high profile events that they have attended representing the voice of learners with learning difficulties and disabilities. Their inspirational tutor, Denise Hill, proudly shared some of the work they have done together and explained that the group have been working on personal budgets and how to handle money. I thought there would be no better way to thank them than by offering them support in order for them to plan an end of year event that I will fund. I set the group a budget and left them to come up with a plan for their event. Yet again a fabulous day in the life of the College. I went home buzzing with ideas on how we can capture the voice of our learners and make use of the talent we already have in the College.
Saboohi Famili - Principal

Monday, 21 June 2010

21 June 2010- Vuvuzelas!

Today I spent some time with students at the Wallington Centre, a newly refurbished Townhall which is bright, well equipped and well used.
I was invited to visit Edna Southey and her students. They were on a Skills for Life programme with an aim to learn to read and write. It was great to see their progress and listen to them read.
One of the passages that they read was to do with the football world cup. I even learnt a word myself. The Vuvuzelas - the noisy annoying horns - were the subject of one of the reading texts. I took great pleasure in reading this with Charity and Gloria, two students from the group.
I set a task for the group to write a passage about what they like about SCOLA. I look forward to reading these soon.
Yet another example of how SCOLA makes a difference in people's lives. A great group with a wonderful teacher! What a wonderful way to start the week.
Popping into various classes that were taking place I met with Sharon Tabb who was working with a group of students on developing work skills. The students are on a 2 year course and completing their first year. Edith Puckett was working with a group of students on citizenship. All groups welcomed a short visit to the class and I enjoyed talking to them. I also visited Karen Corfield and her students in the beauty department who were timing how long it took them to do a manicure - this was part of a mock exam to help get the students ready for their exams which start week commencing 12th July.

Saboohi Famili- Principal
P.S. note of warning: Don't ask Chris Jackson - Programme Manager, Skills for Life English & Maths - how his trip to work this morning was. Having to face the Wimbledon traffic for the next two weeks he will not be a happy bunny!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

11 June 2010- Kiara Training College 4th Anniversary

What a nice way to end a busy week. I arrived at Vestry Hall and was welcomed by Endi Ezengwa- Principal and Director of Kiara Training College. I know Endi from the Nework of Black Professionals and when my Principalship was announced at the network we thought it would be a good idea to touch base after settling into the role.

Staff from Kiara Training College did Endi proud. The room had been set up to perfection and attentive colleagues welcomed the guests that ranged from the Deputy Mayor of Merton. Cllr Margaret Brierly and council officials, to students and graduates of the college and members of the community who have grown fond of Endi and have been inspired by his passion for the work he does so well.

Kiara Training College is an Equal Opportunities employer specialising in providing well-trained staff for health and social care establishments in the UK including: those catering for needs of older people with symptoms of dementia; people with mental health support needs; people with learning disabilities; people requiring a culturally tailored service; as well as providing placements for students seeking experience. One of their main objectives as a community interest company who seek to provide individual support for vulnerable people in the community is to provide help and support for carers in the UK. For more information please see

The evening was packed with music, singing, the very entertaining MC's jokes and interjections and most importantly the presentation of awards to a sample group of learners representing their groups. This was a great event and I left for home proud to know Endi and his colleagues and to have had the opportunity to learn a bit more about the work that he does. Well done to Kiara Training College and its staff and students.

Saboohi Famili-Principal

10 June 2010- Queen's Speech Forum

A very early start today. Had to get to Westminster for a 7.30 Networking Breakfast meeting before the start of the forum. Had organised to meet up with a few colleagues from the past and we shared the challenges in our new roles over a nice light breakfast.

The forum started with a Breakfast Briefing and Business Panel discussion that was chaired by Neil Stewart, Chairman, Policy Review TV. Other speakers included: Francis Maude MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office, Paymaster General and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government; Lord David Freud, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Welfare Reform); Danny Finkelstein, The Times; John Hayes MP, Minister of State, Further Education, Skills & Lifelong Learning. My questions to the panel were picked up and answered on four occasions - you can watch the forum on

I asked this question of Lord Freud "Adult education can play a key role in getting people back into work. Examples showcased across the country in Adult Learners' Week is a testament to this. Could you please allow the voice of experts in the field who inform policy making and provide autonomy to deliver what is needed where it is needed? Answers to this and my other questions can be found by visiting

This was a great PR opportunity and a very important event. Clever use of technology was key - I was able to use twitter to send messages to the panel and share my views on various sessions and seminars. This enabled SCOLA to gain a very good rating at the forum and SCOLA and Sutton Council to be mentioned several times throughout the conference.

Saboohi Famili - Principal

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

7 June 2010 - Carshalton Camera Club- Exhibition & Awards

I had just arrived home at 7.30pm where I had a call from Geoff Kenward , Head of Creative Studies - Arts & Crafts, at SCOLA,who was wondering where I had got to. I was supposed to be at the Carshalton Camera Club's 55th annual exhibition held at the Carshalton Methodist Church - the entry to my diary had been wiped out!
After a moment of panic I arrived at the centre just in time to whiz through the exhibition and then proceeded straight into the presentation ceremony.
The quality of pictures, the variety, and the topics were amazing. The club had gone out of their way to invite a very credible judge, Richard Walton FRPS who in 2001 was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society to judge the competition.
After the presentation, Richard Walton spoke about approximately 10 pieces of the work that had been presented and explained how, in his view, they are of outstanding quality.
I particularly liked a very clever and witty piece by Darren Pullman entitled "Twitters Online".
After the presentation, we went back into the exhibition hall to inspect the art presented in more detail. It was great to learn that so many of the competitors had been students at SCOLA and to hear them talk so highly of the College.
It was a very pleasant evening and SCOLA would like to offer to host some of the work presented. Geoff Kenward promised to look into this.
I came away thinking I need to get my diary sorted out otherwise I might miss out on attending such fun events! There won't be a helpful Geoff to call and chase after me all the time! Will be on the howler to IT tomorrow!

Saboohi Famili-Principal

Sunday, 6 June 2010

6 June 2010- Persian Afternoon at The Secombe Theatre

This afternoon after a tip off from Jenny Roden, Head of Skills for Life - English Language, at SCOLA, I made my way to the Secombe Theatre in Sutton for a Persian afternoon. Not knowing what to expect I was pleasantly surprised and entertained at the same time. The Hafez Persian School had put together a full programme of dance, music, singing and performance. A very well attended session that had the Secombe Theatre almost full with an appreciative audience.
The foyer was decorated with various stands showcasing various artifacts and items from Persian culture. Morteza Salehi, Head of the Iranian Calligraphers Association of London, was also there showcasing some of the most beautiful calligraphy art work I'd seen and offered those interested the service of having their names printed in calligraphy, in Farsi.
During the interval I got to meet with a few students currently studying at SCOLA. I felt humbled hearing how proud they felt knowing that their Principal is from their country. It was great to see so many Iranians in one place. I was glad I hadn't forgotten my mother tongue. It was an afternoon well organised and a great pleasure to be part of.
The lyrics of Morg-e-Sahar, a popular Persian Classic song by "Malek-o-Shoaraye Bahar a famous persian poet captured my imagination. How apt to the world we live in...
Nightingale with folded wings,
From the corner of your cage,
Sing the song of freedom of the human race
With one fire-bearing sigh break this cage

Saboohi Famili- Principal

Friday, 4 June 2010

4 June 2010- Principal's point one month on!

It is one month since I joined SCOLA and with the help of staff during this time I have been able to get a better understanding of the way SCOLA operates and was inspired by the ideas they shared with me on how to improve existing practice on our pathway to excellence. My mission for the next month is learning more about what I haven’t already seen. Staff have been extremely supportive and welcoming.
On our mission to keep lifelong learning at the forefront of adult life in challenging times we need all our wits about us and having such dedicated staff with the right attitude is key. My aim is to ensure SCOLA strives to remain inclusive and help those who have benefited least from their initial learning and who face particular barriers to access learning opportunities.
During this month I have witnessed and contributed to planning and providing a wide curriculum range of subjects for our 2010-11 programme.
I remain a firm believer that learning isn’t just about gaining knowledge to do a particular job. It is about broadening the mind and giving people the self-belief and confidence that help strengthen the bonds within the community and helps to build a productive society. Adult learning has a paramount role in encouraging active citizenship. We continue to work closely with the council on creating a sustainable and smarter Sutton.
Saboohi Famili- Principal

3 June 2010- Skills for London Awards 2010

A great evening of celebration and fun! After a full day at the College I headed to central London for the award ceremony held at Madame Tussauds. Arrived there for the drinks reception and the opportunity to mingle with the celebrity wax works before dinner which was followed by the presentation of awards.
I was delighted to be welcomed by David Hughes - Director of College and Learning Provider Services from the Skills Funding Agency who said he was impressed by the inspirational stories and the impact that learning and training have on people, communities and businesses.
The 12 awards were presented by Lee McQueen the Winner of "The Apprentice", series four and ranged from apprenticeship awards, employer and learner achievement awards to celebrating Skills for Life and training organisations from across the capital. The awards were a testimony to the excellence and range of skills activity taking place in London over the last year.
It was clearly demonstrated how close partnerships and hard work between employers, providers and young people across London have raised awareness of the National Apprenticeship Service opportunities and helped achieve the targets set.
Once again it was great to meet with ex-colleagues from Carshalton, Croydon and TVU. I thoroughly enjoyed the event and came away determined to make sure the hard work of colleagues at SCOLA are entered for next year's awards.
Saboohi Famili - Principal